I created this site to share my poetry, prayers, photographs, art, and short stories with you. And hope that you enjoy all you read and see.

Our God is King and He is Holy; He is the Creator and our loving Healer.

I see His majesty and presence in the created world – the beauty, of which, is wonderful, awe-inspiring and magnificent.

I search for His Spirit in my life, through which I find peace, healing, hope and joy.

Featured poems:

Precious Gift From God – August 2024

A baby is moving in the womb –

dancing, turning, kicking, hiccupping…a precious life has been made….

God Waits For Us – August 2024

The trees are shuddering.

The wind is rough.

The chill in the air creates a stir……

THE FRONT LINE – September 2023

They’re dying on the Front Line – limbs, shattered; hope, lost; excruciating pain, endured.

They’re defending us, you know – on the Front Line; it’s a hellish place to be!

Fighting for justice, laying down their lives for their friends…and strangers…

IS IT OVER? – Mar 2022

Will the world ever be the same again?

Will we ever stop fighting?

Will we ever seek God with all our hearts?


In the silence

It is cataclysmic

It is shocking

Everyone will know the might of the Lord!

Do you feel it – the coming storm?

SILENCE – Aug 2022

In the silence

I hear only the birds and insects

Humming and tweeting.

Even the wind does not stir

On this hot summer’s day.

September 2020

Yesterday, the heat made everything still –

the trees did not sway; the leaves did not flutter;

the clouds in a pure-blue sky, seemed motionless.

JOY September 2020

‘Speak Lord Your servant is listening.’ ‘Come Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit.’

Joy is life with Me. Look at the tree, swaying in the gentle breeze.

Please contact me before reproducing any poems on other websites or in publications.

All of the work has copyright; so no alterations can be made.

Thank you for your understanding.