Wholly Holy, Son of God – December 2017

Little Child, Wholly Holy
There’s a child, a little child
Peering at the baby in the manger
Wholly Holy, Son of God
Wholly holy, child loved by God
And you, my friend, are that child
Come and see, He’s waiting for you
Take a look, bend your knee and hold His hand
For He’s reaching out to you
Come and adore the Blessed Child
Look into His eyes, for He’s smiling at you
For you, my child, are a child of God
Oh, how He loves! How He loves!
For He came to find you – yes, you!
Came to tell you of His Father’s love
Came to live with you and carry you
Along the stony path –
For His yoke is easy and His burden, light
Oh, Child of God, Child of Mary holy
Fixing His eyes on you, little child
Come as you are, to see His heart
Beating hard for you – Life to bring you life…and love
Come, let us adore Him, for He is Christ the Lord!
God loves YOU, and He created YOU