White lie

Just a little white lie –
No harm done!
You know how it is…
Hurts no one.
No consequences –
If anything, it helps.
Problem solved. Job done. End of…
What? That little lie?
Not so white.
Bit grubby now –
Unclean. Dirty. Damaged.
White, soiled. Purity, tainted.
Truth, compromised.
Truth, lost.
See how it ripples across once-still water
Reaching far beyond its seemingly-gentle impact.
Stone, thrown. Hard. Small. Cold. Rippling.
One, almost imperceptible, little lie
Is sinking deep into a root – watch it grow!
For grow, it will.
A lie is a lie. Fact.
Truth is truth. Fact.
Truth is good and its roots grow well; it blossoms.
Deceit is bad and its badness swells…
Bloating, trapping, expanding, confusing, hurting, worrying,
negating, festering, lurking, cracking, dividing, multiplying,
resonating, whispering, spreading, travelling –
With a momentum of its own.
We know, don’t we?
The lie never brings good and is so hard to wipe clean –
White is never its true colour.
USA ELECTION DAY 8 November 2016