What a Beautiful World!

(Inspired at Little Way Healing Ministries Outreach Day)

There’s an ocean deep in which to swim
Clear mountain air through which to breathe
There’s a tree-lined path on which to tread
There’s a bed of sand on which to rest
There’s a bright blue sky, through which sun beams shine
And a dark blue heaven in which the night moon glows
There’s a rushing stream in which fish dance and dive
There’s a rainbow stretching across rain-soaked fields,
from beautiful water that has fallen and blessed
There’s a butterfly flying from stem to stem
And a buzzing bee tasting pure nectar sweet
There’s a yellow rose swaying in the gentle breeze
There’s a white-fringed wave splashing rocks on a beach
There’s an azure lake dressing the high mountain top
And a valley low peppered with tall chimney pots
There’s a nightingale gliding free, as the sun sets in pink
And a shooting star soaring in the midnight black
There’s a golden meadow reaching up to the light,
With poppies red and long corn ears bronze
There’s a white mist rising from earth’s warm bed
And a shy gazelle leaping over fences at dawn
There’s a fiery comet zooming past satellites and stars,
with a silver tail bursting, from its star-struck trail
There’s a volcano smoking from dry cracked earth
And a wind blowing sand across an African land
There’s a bulb sprouting leaves with promise of new life
There’s a river careering towards a steep rock fall,
with its rippling pool of water, cooling and pure
There’s a lizard scaling a metal plinth of great height
And an army of ants marching on with its cache
There’s a fire burning bright, blazing all with delight,
Warming hands, warming hearts, transfixing all with its sight
There’s a hurricane forming, blasting all in its path
And white wintry snow settling on treetops and hills
There’s an angel voice singing from a warm kitchen hearth
And a humming bird humming under a canopy green
There’s a spider creating a magnificent web –
such a work of art, in laced-silver thread!
There’s a baby laughing with a perfect trust
And a father holding tiny hands, with abundant great love
There’s a mother blessing the child in her arms
And a teenager running from one dream to a scheme
There’s a panther pounding fast, across a parched grassy plain
And an elephant spraying water, at children giggling below
There’s an old man sitting content with a book
And an old woman surveying some boats sailing by
There’s a litter of kittens being nursed and licked clean
And a dog waiting patiently while his master’s at rest
There’s a child loving life, putting parents to the test
There’s a red-streaked sky on a blue autumn night
And a stallion galloping, through forest and field
There’s a giraffe lolloping free, making tracks in the dust
There are children playing, innocent and mild
And Koalas being fussed over, whether tame or wild
The world is alive, enriched by us all
Beauty, without measure, precious treasure and quite free.
God’s amazing creation, deserves respect and great care
So can’t we treat men as brothers, with love and dignity?
