VOID - 1 FEB 2018 Void, why are you looking at me as if I don’t exist?! I’m just as real as you, you know. So you think you’ve got something on me – Haunting me, following me, annoying me? Still there? Staring into my soul – You have no right to go there! It’s my place – you know that. And we’ve had this conversation before! You say there’s plenty of room for me…and you. But don’t you get it? I don’t want to be close to you. Void, take a walk! And leave me alone. Actually, I’ve noticed that you’re getting bigger – very sneaky! Just stop bugging me and stop taking over my place. (I need something to get rid of Void – to squeeze him out. Let’s think… Ah, yes – let’s fill up my space with lots of good, irresistible things - Parties, holidays, food, wine, gossip, music, hobbies, work! Yes! That’s the solution.) (Oh, no! it isn’t – I’ve done all that before and look where it’s got me? Here, with more of Void! Something must be out there – something new…for me?) You out there - have you got the answer? I’m searching really hard for a solution. And not a quick fix! Help me, please, because I feel so overwhelmed by Void – In fact, it’s getting seriously difficult and it’s killing me. Say that again - a bit louder! J E S U S. Am I hearing you right? J E S U S – it means, ‘God saves’? He’ll help me and get rid of Void? Just say His name and ask Him to help – that simple? Why didn’t you tell me before?! You did? Well, now you’ve got my attention because I’ve hit a real low. I’ll call Him. What? He’s in my space already? Amazing. How? Always been there? Never… What? That I preferred Void? Never! Jesus – please answer me! Help me to get rid of Void because he’s trying to consume me: he wants my space - my place; he’s taking me over, full time. Thank you. Oh…and sorry for not listening. You’re going to be my saviour, Saviour