The WORD is Alive

 The WORD is Alive
 The WORD is Alive
 Every page contains a truth,
 To the open eye, to the burning ear,
 For the heart that yearns –
 For God’s love is written in the Words there-in,
 Carefully crafted by our One True Friend.
 Find Me in the psalms and songs,
 In the prophecies and prayers,
 In the stories and parables,
 In the visions and dreams,
 In the letters and speech –
 For this beauty clear, glorifies Me!
 I Am the Word – its power and truth,
 Its love and life,
 And for all that must be.
 See all it contains with the eyes of your soul…
 By calling on Me -
 To give you a listening ear and a seeing eye…
 And a heart to find hope and Truth to give love.
 Let the Spirit’s Word come alive in you,
 Given with love, from Me.
 16 October 2020