The vines are planted now – in soil that was specially prepared. It took time to weed and cultivate the soil, so that the young roots could thrive. Some weeds threaten their growth, by taking their space and water. But too much water can slow their development, making them lazy and dependent - taking away their desire to spread and strengthen and fulfil their potential. Nursery vines must establish their position; even in dry earth survival is possible. Soon, little green shoots will emerge, breaking through their waxy, protective shields. Welcoming the sun; bright-green young leaves will dance and sway in the summer breeze. They will embrace life, with its heat, sun and rain, and push ahead to find their place. The vines need careful, on-going management – creating strong roots and strong branches will help to fulfil the plants’ potential. Three years must pass before a worthy yield of fruit can be truly harvested. The vine-dresser must prune and protect these precious plants over many years. Delighted, he will find abundant growth, a wonderful harvest… and all will know its blessing: the grower, and the receivers of its blood-red wine. Goodness goes back to the Vine-dresser: the nursery vines, created from His generous grafting, can flourish. How amazing is our Vine-dresser, who allows us to be grafted, nurtured and lovingly-tendered by His abundant love and care! He is the Source of life - creating life, through the waters of His Holy Spirit. Thanks be to God! Praise Him! Juliehughespoetry(c)poetryjuly2021