The Thief – Oct 2019

 He broke in, the thief -
 Stole into our space, uninvited.
 He moved around deceitfully,
 looking here and there, searching and finding,
 tossing out clothes from drawers
 leaving our stuff strewn -
 for someone else to sort.
 He climbed stairs, stretched out his arm,
 letting his hand touch things which belonged to someone else -
 without caring. And pocketing what he liked -
 chose because they could be passed on in the trade.
 But they were not his; they were ours -
 on loan - for we are just nomads,
 wandering through this earthly life.
 We pass from one place to another, leaving perhaps
 some small trace of our existence
 in the house, in this space – there by God’s Grace.
 He took our torch, so that he could take our things -
 money, jewellery, peculiar valuables and IT gadgets
 He could perhaps make a small buck -
 believing he’d hit the jackpot...
 a lucky break in, trespassing.
 The police came and records were made.
 Footprints were dusted and captured.
 They shared a knowing nod -
 for to them he seemed familiar;
 always dropping in, uninvited.
 Wouldn’t want to be in his shoes!
 Now, we’ll up our security, make the spotlights highlight intruders and threats;
 create strong iron bars as a defence,
 so that windows stay shut and doors, locked -
 imprison ourselves and our things.
 Maybe he’s creating a prison of a different sort
 imprisoning us?

 So now I ponder the ‘good thief’ and the ’bad thief’ -
 hanged on a tree, for all to see; to never again be free...from the Truth.
 But Jesus – you offered life – and the tables turned!
 For You could see right through their actions, lies and gravity -
 ‘Come through Me and find liberty,
 for I have paid the price, to save your lives!’
 There’s a final choice, if you hear God’s voice
 and the heart beat of a Friend!
 Thieves, who steal hope and dreams; life and love;
 confidence and innocence, peace and joy -
 for short-term gain and power and wealth -
 destroy others, with their evil stealth.
 (You will be called to account!)
 But there is a ‘get out of jail, free’ card:
 fall on your knees, plead mercy and forgive -
 so that you can be forgiven, heart to Heart, love to Love.
 Look to the Cross, for He died for you; for sin.
 Turn back to God or die in your sin -
 like the enemy of life, whose badness
 drives him to fall hard, unrepentant, on the wide road to perdition.
 You still have an opportunity – confess, come clean.
 Walk out of the darkness and see the Way – His Way.
 God wants you to love, for Love has paid
 for His light to shine bright...and never fade.
 He is calling us all, so knock down the walls you’ve built
 and let’s go to Him...for He waits, at the gate, to lead us in.
juliehughes©PoemFrance 2019