Oh God that You came to Earth
 As a baby in a scrap of cloth
 Laid in a wooden manger
 Under the gaze of parents, so pure
 And the light of a luminous star.
 Oh God that You died on a wooden Cross
 Raised Heavenward to glorious light
 Wrapped in a scrap of cloth.
 Swaddled in a mother’s linen
 Swaddled in death’s sweet shroud.
 Humble, You became King
 Innocent, yet shamed as a sinner
 Poor, yet the richest of all
 Love incarnate, yet hated by men
 Teacher, yet regarded a fool
 Most loyal, but known as a traitor
 Truth personified, yet condemned a blasphemer.
 Thank You for saving me.
 Thank you for creating me.
 Thank You for forgiving me.
 Thank You for suffering for me.
 Thank You for dying on that wooden Cross…for me.
 Thank You for offering me eternal life…with You.
 juliehughes(c)poetrymarch 2021