Are you suffering in silence? Is pain drawing you to the Cross? Have you started that vital conversation…with the only One who can save you? (Yes, Jesus) Call on the doctors and nurses and counsellors – by His Grace they’ll be at your side: Divine helpers and angels of mercy. Will the pain decrease or increase? No one knows; But the fear is real (I know). And Jesus knows – He’s been there (has anyone not been there?). Did we care? Throwing stones, twisting thorns, lacerating His Holy skin, scarring it with Stripes of hate? Do you recall His words: ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do’? Can you say that (Luke 23:24) - Can you forgive - like He did – the Innocent One? Can your hurting heart forgive? Forgive – for He asks us to. No feelings involved – just want to want to forgive – for Him. Unblock the channels of pain – allow His healing waters of life to flow. Perhaps you’ll be made good, again, and you’ll be free. We’re all in this together – no one escapes: For life, true life, eternal life, demands the Cross. Jesus showed us the Way. Are you up there with Him on the Cross? Are you shouting at God, Demanding answers…? ’Why do I have this pain?’ Only God knows – and one day, so will you! Clear as a whistle, when you reach the finishing line, at the end of the race. Our lives come at a cost – When the tower fell in Siloam, good and bad were flattened (Luke 13:4) So we live to die to live, however painful. Life. Life. Life. All so short – a second, a year, a decade, a century… But never forever, without God’s grace. How’s the pain? Are you letting go? For God, we’re told, shouts in our pain (C. S. Lewis): ‘Let Me help you!’ ‘Anyone who is thirsty, come to me!’ (John 7:37) Drink water from the well of life – ‘With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.’ (Isaiah 12:3) He carries us, for ‘His yoke is easy and His is burden light’ (Matthew 11:30) – Will you let him into your life? Into your pain? What is there to lose? Life – pain – strain – sin – stain – aim to find Him – find love – gain life… Believe me, you’ll never be the same. Julie Hughes (c) 2018