Still life 2017

Still life
You look so beautiful, so tranquil.
And so perfectly formed and arranged.
Unmoving, silent.
No touch of wind to stir
No breath to quicken
No dew to enliven.
Where is your life?
Will anything move you?
Were you ever alive? What happened to your bright spark?
Did something in the darkness damage your soul? harm your spirit?
Can light ever penetrate your still depths, or is the door now permanently close?
Can you see a crack of light? a beam waiting to break through…to renew?
For light is stronger than darkness –
Even a speck brings hope, paves the way.
Remember the strike of a match -
A cave, pitch black
In a time of fear?
Whisper His name, for He is life –
Gently, slowly.
Have courage. Trust. Keep it simple –
No questions.
Wait in expectation.
Breathe slowly.
See an almost imperceptible glow as it gathers light
From every place of darkness –
Every nook and cranny, near and far, high and low, deep and shallow.
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus…
Yes, He hears.
Yes, He understands
And, yes, He knows.
Still life…no longer
Ice thaws
Light begets light
Air is sweet
The heart beats to a new rhythm;
Its melody is hope.
It plays a beautiful song and everyone listens,
For it captivates and stirs
Radiating peace and joy,
Emanating love and healing...
Energising, renewing, transforming
All for the love of God