(juliehughespoetry©2023dec21poetry) The snow hasn’t fallen yet… when it does, will it transform the world, covering everything up – all the imperfections, and ugliness? Will it make our hearts grow warmer, or colder? Will we touch the fragments of ice, throw snowballs, and laugh under the sun? Will we play games on its surface and become, again, like children? Can we pretend that everything is beautiful, until it melts? Until the wind blows the dryness away, and reveals the landscape’s true colours and jagged edges? I can imagine children’s faces, alight with joy and innocence – the expectation of youth, the anticipation of playful times. Will the on-lookers see its beauty, its temporary pleasure, or just shiver on the side-lines? Reality is their anticipation, for life continues to reveal its scars and thorns, and its sobering prospects. Nothing lasts forever…which gives us hope! But what do YOU see? A reminder of freedom, of hope? An opportunity to reflect and grow? A daring exploration of a promise, purity and perfection? God promises restoration and health, life and joy, peace and hope, freedom and love, beauty and trust… no jagged shards or obstacles, no restraints or fear, no damaged hearts or broken dreams… for buried deep, He lives in us - to set us free. He dwells in every open heart which loves, and He offers us His love, He changes our darkness into a brilliant light… and our pierced flesh, He heals and makes new. He allows us to play like children, for eternity. And every single aspect of a wonderful new world, will be covered, filled and sustained by love…for He is Love. Do you not see, that He is doing a new thing?!