Seek and ye shall find

 Frosty feelings fester as I fall
 On the slippery slope to salvation,
 Try to capture Time’s eternal spinning wheel,
 But stray from the path of tomorrow.
 I am lost amongst the debris and chaos;
 Searching vainly for air, for life:
 Strangled by speed, running blindly through darkness.
 And a light flickers and fades.
 Again it flickers, dies, comes alive and...
 It stays.  The moth is there, hovering, haunting.
 I can still breathe, but air is scarce:
 Too many evils polluting our hope.  Hopeless.
 Help!  Ease our minds, comfort our hearts.
 Cry!   Pools of life now form and deepen -
 Swim! to our destinies, float on the pure water
 Of tranquillity and peace.
 Block it out!  Turn His face away – His glorious face!
 Unwanted.  Fear.  Consummation of energy and goodness.
 Freedom - threatened.
 Showers of dust saturate,
 Press into our broken, bleached skin.
 We will suffocate and die...without mercy.
 Find your faith!  Find your air! Give life to your soul.
 Light is limitless for those whose eyes are open.