Prayer to the Spirit

Holy Spirit of God
How blessed are we to know You!
How blessed are we to know
How much we need You in our lives.
We ask you, Jesus
We ask You with our hearts and minds
To come to us.
Rain down on us, Holy Spirit of God...
Flood every part of our being
Water our dryness
Fill our emptiness
Cleanse the stains of our ingratitude
Wipe away our sin
Help us in our unbelief
Soften our hard hearts
And give us life, we pray
Holy Spirit of God
How blessed are we to praise You
How blessed are we to thank You.
Praise be to God, to Jesus Christ, to the Holy Spirit.
Thank You for our life, our faith, Your love.
We thank You for all that is, for You are Life
Creator of all, Saviour, and Healer
Who loves us, with an ever-lasting love.
Holy Spirit, let us serve Love
Let us work for God’s kingdom, here on Earth.
Bless us with Your gifts of love and the fruits of Your Spirit.
Transform us; heal us; give us strength in our weakness;
grace in our unworthiness...
For You, God, Majesty, nothing is impossible.
And when we knock, You open the door
When we ask, we receive
For when we seek, God of Truth, we find.
Blessed God, We trust in Your promises
So come now, in power
God who is Love, justice, mercy and holiness
Pour into us Your waters of life
That streams of living water will pour out from us,
Into the hearts of the weak, the broken, the rejected -
The lonely, the lost, the damaged, the frightened, and those who thirst.
In Your grace, in Your strength, in Your love
Come! Come, Lord Jesus, come! Holy Spirit, come!
Maranatha! Maranatha! Maranatha!
We love You. Let us glorify You.
In You now, Lord Jesus, we put our hope and our trust.
And we wait on You.
Thank You for hearing our prayer. Amen.  
Julie Hughes 2013