Place of Worship, Tiberias, APRIL 2019

Purim Festival in Tiberias, 19 March 2019
(Written in Greek Orthodox Church, inspired by old place of worship
by Tiberias  Promenade)
The old, domed place of worship, has fallen into disrepair.
An aged and dying palm, overhangs the roof
Where the plaster is cracked and lost.
Oh, see my God!  where ruin and a fragile peace
Dominate a once-beautiful land.
Herod tried to rule Your people – but
Like everything which does not come from You,
Decay is inevitable.
And life fades, like the sun
Which bleaches all it covers. And so Masada crumbled.
I am looking out over the hazy blues of Gennesaret,
The Sea of Galilee.
Celebrations and festivities enliven the people
Of this now-boisterous town.
The Israelites, once-enslaved, returned from Babylon...
Carrying with them high hopes
For freedom and peace.
They walked on dusty roads
Remembering their struggles, but claiming their future.
Save Your people, oh God!
Daniel knew You.
King Cyrus knew You.
And Your Chosen People, by the rivers of Babylon,
Wept for love of You.
Where has the love gone?  Tears rained down
But evaporated
Under the burning rays of the sun.
Have we plastered over the Truth?
   • Forgotten Your promises?
   • Forgotten Your strength?
   • Forgotten Your plans for us
   • And how much You, our Creator, love us?
It is You who provide the water of life.
It is You who are Peace and Justice.
It is You who give us hope in times of trouble and strife.
Lights up our hearts – not with garish costumes,
Peculiar masks and exploding fireworks
But with a revelation of You, Jesus –
An encounter with love,
With a experience of peace.
A peace only You can give. And Holy joy!
Come now – and renew the face of the Earth!
Julie Hughes