Picture of Change – August 2017

I see horses galloping at ferocious speed
Tumbling and crashing as they advance
They do not stop, but pound along
Dust flying against a sun-streaked sky
I hear a bugle blowing
A sharp sound resonating
A call to the battlefield
There’s an urgency
As nostrils flare
With heated breath, a mirage is created
Blurring the fast-pacing steeds
Confusion and chaos reign
For their destination is unknown
So, we scatter, we huddle
We group and we shudder
A frightening excitement stirs
We don’t understand, for we see
But a tornado gathering speed
What can it all mean?
Our hearts are a-quiver
For change is a-coming
Important now that we wait –
Do nothing at all.
And though lost in the thrall
Patience is our friend
So, we wait and we wait and we wait…