NEW LIFE – 16 Aug. 2019

Oh, wonderful breath of life
thrust momentously into the world
Making a marvellous entrance
stretched out - and no longer curled
How Love bursts into the room
the centre of revelation
Challenges and fragile balances
but oh! with joy coming so soon
Such a beautiful baby is born
Heavenly blessed as rain falls from above
Waters of life, carry innocence and love
little eyes closed; lips stifling already, a yawn
So perfect are you, little one
perfectly formed; in the splendour of being
Mother and Father, adoringly gaze
completely in love, with the new life they’re seeing
The highway of life will be found
and travels far and wide
As they journey on together
and look to the only safe Guide
Thank You, oh Love! for creation
for wonders too great for our minds
Lead us all into the mystery of life
and let truth and love be the treasures we find
Julie Hughes(C)Poem Sept. 2019