New Dawn Walsingham 2016

Green patches, carpet laid, tent blues skies
People and life, exploding
Love and pain bursting out
Hearts on fire, water running free
Echoes of resonant tunes, touching souls, igniting spirits
Beating in unison
All on fire,
All breaking out
Hands raised to glorify
Our King of Glory.
No story, no empty words
Just truth…for here are
The pilgrim-makers,
Gifts all free –
Grace and reverence
Forgiveness and healing
Cleansing and growing
A new dawn for life!
The opening of gateways
All fear dispelled; hope and faith, renewed.
Captured for Christ, in Christ –
Joy, freedom, love and peace.
Lights, bright; love radiant
For our God is here!
Can you feel Him?
Can you hear Him?
See Him in the eyes of strangers; now friends.
Oh, look out! Catch the blessing!
For Jesus is here, reaching out to you.
His beating heart is beating fast
His lasting love is free
The everlasting God –
Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End.
Darkness tries to invade this space
But the Spirit’s laid him waste!
Not a corner, crevice or gap
Is open to his fiendish acts!
Pray in truth and love and joy and hope and peace and trust –
For all will be well.
Though Hell’s breaking loose
Satan’s quite contained
For our Conqueror is here.
Mighty and victorious
Enemy vanquished, overcome
Light now permeating shadows
Blackness giving way to glorious light
Holy Spirit moving, searching, consoling, transforming -
Touching, healing, inspiring
Life-giving water, gushing from the side of Jesus
Holy blood flowing, drenching, protecting, blessing
Saving us all, in grace from Grace; with His mercy deep.
Come, let us celebrate our God…for He is here.
In this tent of transfiguration
In this time of rejoicing
Under Heaven’s watch
And in every heart that beats for Him,
Holiness is released and we are renewed.
Come, Lord Jesus, come!