Narrow path

There is a narrow path which leads to God
To His dwelling place
On His holy mountain
And there is a wide path which leads to loss,
Yet it seems so easy, to travel that way;
And certainly, at no extra cost!
And we may fall, on that narrow strip,
Flat on our face
We may stumble and graze our knees
And hurt our backs and lose our way
And find it hard to pray
But deep in our hearts
We know the part that God has given to us
So we get up
Dust off the dirt
And look ahead...
Because of what He said.
But oh! That other path –
With so much space! And ground so flat
And shade so cool
And friends and all things good...
How it seems the better choice
As that sly voice, with tone so soft
Whispers its invitation...
To death.
For You, my God, are life
And your Cross, my cross...
But momentary strife.
On the Pilgrims’ road, you bear its weight
As we pass through times good and bad;
Happy and sad; with beauty and pain;
Always loss and gain.
But Your light, which never wanes
Shines so bright, and burns so strong
For You, my God, are life, in life
Easter 2015 (March) J. Hughes