MIRACLE BABY (France 9 December 2022)

Miracle Baby     9 December 2022 France

A flash of light, a brilliant gold;
And the start of a story, soon to be told.
A woman so fair, a child she would bear;
And an angel of God, in glittering attire.
Gabriel’s voice was softly deep; her gentle heart beating fast;
A girl on her knees – who would endure, who would last.
A promise of grace, bestowed on her soul,
A life fully given, to a womb, fully maiden.
A blessed young lady; now God’s chosen Ark.
Inside she would carry Him, our Saviour, Oh Blessed Heart.

Did she know He would teach us – the weak and the strong?
Did she know He would lead us – the right and the wrong?

A moment so amazing in a quiet Nazareth home,
Unexpectedly welcoming, the Messenger of the One!
A dark night, so holy; encircled by stars…
A pure destination, incarnate, God’s Son.
Oh, Mary, most favoured, whose Fiat had won
Life eternal, for those seeking, Emmanuel, Most Holy One!

To Bethlehem she would journey, laden heavy with Love
And Joseph at her side; though betrothed, not yet wed,
A Baby inside her - a new King, God’s Precious Son, 
Given with love from above!

Jesus would follow His unique Guiding Star –
For the child looked to His Father…
No matter where and no matter how far.
And Mary, His Mother, too, would travel abroad,
To keep safe this Cargo, whose precious blood would one day pour
From her heart full of love, when pierced by life’s cruel sword.

Blessed night when He was born, laid on a bed of hay
With angel voices richly singing 
And David’s star shining bright.
Blessed morning, a new day dawning
Sparks of Heaven all around
Mary, Queen and Mother, holding
Jesus Christ in her arms.
Animals gently baying, for they surely knew
That her Precious Gift, was a Gift, too, for the world –
A ring of gold, a breath of life, a true peace upon the land
A new Covenant, Divinely made –
So… completing what was destined from ancient times, and of old:
Peace and hope, joy and love, mercy and truth -
A Christmas wish to you all, each and every one,
For our God is doing something new, through the love offered by His Son!
Amen. Hallelujah.

Juliehughespoetry© poetryFrancedec22