Mary’s Sword – 2016

The Sword of the Spirit is cutting through the debris of man’s mess
Clearing the way; making all things new.
Pain and suffering are being healed by the sword of life: God’s Word
Splitting atoms, breaking barriers, making gains
Souls recovering from the battle’s fall out.
Such a hard-won confrontation
With death! And all that goes with it!
But success is assured – for who can stand against God and survive?
Nothing. No one. He is life – which He freely gives…and takes away.
Jesus, the Holy One, the Judge and the Redeemer, the Saviour and
freedom-fighter…of Truth and Love.
Mary, Queen of Heaven, Mother of God, Virgin Most Pure
Pierced by the sword of conflict; its ramifications killing the enemy of life,
exposing the truth, restoring lives, making peace, 
building love, interceding and pleading for us – for she loves us.
Word of God, cutting through everything in its path
Right down to the hidden depths of body and soul –
So accurate, so gentle, so strong, so wise and absolutely perfect.
Faultless. Sword in the hands of the mighty Divine Warrior – King, Eternal,
Father of all. Beautiful. Victorious. But not in our time or of our will.
Mary, holy and loving, speaking words of life into searching souls and desperate hearts –
Courageous, compassionate, gentle, graceful; yet pierced by the sword of iniquity,
Sharing in her Son’s pain and saving those who are lost.
They, Son and Mother, pay the cost of our waywardness and denial,
our rejection and arrogance, our selfishness and shame
Drawing out all that is good, making us change, inviting us into their hearts of love -
Cleansing, and healing
Guiding us into the blazing light of truth.
Nothing is impossible to God.
Nothing is impossible to God.
Nothing is impossible to God.
Absolutely, nothing.
A Sword, a Prophecy, a heart destined 2000 years ago to be pierced
To reveal the secrets of men’s hearts, laying them bare
and so, clearing away the negativity of selfishness
Exposing damaged hearts so that they can love and be loved in the way that God wants – 
For He is good.
Uniquely good, desiring real love, real
growth, real purity of spirit. For we are His children.
Bright light, magnificent beam reflecting off a shining, cutting surface
So that the rubbish is stripped away, cleanly removed
Man then will see his Creator, will see His face. For He is Holy,
so we must be holy.
Mary, bravely and lovingly is preparing hearts for God –
So that man can venture towards His inaccessible light.
But for her, and Son, Divine – the Way, the Truth and the Life – we’d be forever lost.
How she continues to work and suffer for us!
Mediatrix – mediator, intercessor, advocate, beckoning, calling, encouraging -
Blessing our path to the Trinity of life –
away from the terrors of darkness and death.
Oh, how we walk in the shadows and hide from the Light – for fear of being healed and saved!
Crucified, ransomed for us; yet still we close our eyes and ears and silence His truth
Preferring short-term, world-loving, Christ-hating, pleasure-seeking ways,
With a lust for power and wealth, we resist goodness.
We ignore the shortness of earthly life – nomads that we are!
Three score and ten, plus a nominal few years…perhaps? (For good – or bad – measure!)
And what of Final Judgement? Any thoughts on that? Any time to ponder,
As we crash and burn, rise and fall, love and hate, kill and save, gossip and slander -
Steal and lend, break and heal, lie and cheat,
give birth, and bury the dead?
God seeks our hearts and loving deeds – such are the real treasures of our earthly journey! 
Incorruptible and invaluable.
Everything is passing away – can that truth be denied?
Without Jesus, we are grains of sand being blown away across a choppy sea
And carried by the wind.
With Jesus, we find our way home.
We pray: Mary, Mother of God, open our hearts to your love and guidance.
Bend our stubborn wills towards Jesus and life – not the falseness of this world’s offerings -
And death.
Let us know the truth, while we can.
Pray for us – that the living God, the only God, would live in our hearts through His Holy Spirit.
Lead us to the God who acts with faithful love, justice and uprightness on Earth
(Jeremiah 9: 23)
Before our feet stumble on the darkened mountain
(Jeremiah 13:16) 
and we are lost forever.
Have mercy.
Praise God! Amen.