Oh Ireland, a country so dear to my heart – what have you done!
Oh Island, blessed by Saint Patrick, what have you done!
So once more the Snake creeps back in to your cracks and crevices
Slithers back into your crannies and hurt hearts
Finding new places in which to curl and from there, lash out
Oh venom, which pours from the wound, wound the Green Land not!
God of Mercy, pour out Your Spirit and, with holiness
Seal the contours of the scars, and refresh the violated veins
through which the enemy of life contaminates with death all that
our Creator has created
Oh, sad times, of forgotten Truth; of life, murdered, taken-away
The world cannot contain the tears which will fall, as the Innocents are killed -
Rachel, still weeping for her children...
Can you not see what you’ve done! Voting for death, when you have life!
You have released fear and dread, sin and disease
For the perfection of God has been denied -
Oh, whim of ignorance; when your Rights are wrong.
See the wretched state of the mother who bears and loses a child –
The loss is never overcome!
See the wretched state of the mother who conceives and loses a child -
The loss is never overcome!
Tears and pain will crack the heart of the parents and sisters and brothers –
And so, the whole world will know their anguish and God Himself
Will feel the pain of loss – of life, of Truth.
Oh, foolish people, who have opened the gateway of Hell!
Lightning forks, blistering the skies, as the heavens rage –
Oh God, be merciful in Your justice
For they know not what they do.