I Find You 9 Mar 2017

I find You in water, running free
In the air I breathe
In rocky mountains, high
In back streets and alleyways
Cul-de-sacs and boulevards
In the shadow of the night
In bright, morning light.
I find You in the mother’s tender love
In the baby’s searching eyes
In the young man’s dream
In fields of yellow and gold
In forests, dark and dense
In sunbeam clouds and misty skies
In tornadoes and river swirls.
I find You in the star-studded black
In roses, red and orchids, pink
In ice and snow, wind and rain
In the hand of friendship and heart of love
In the desert sand and blues so deep
In the eyes of a stranger
In the flaming flamingo and the lion’s roar.
I find You in the whispering voice
In the ringing bells
In the silence of Your sanctuary
In the hymns being sung
In the barking of the loyal hound
In laughter and in tears
In the prayerful song of joyful praise.
I find You in a night’s still peace
In the movement of amazing fish
In the playfulness of children
In the loneliness of death’s sweet kiss
In the rhythm of flamenco guitar
In the beauty of the written word
And Shakespeare’s incredible art.
I find You where there’s life –
Author of it all.
Day and night, light and dark
You are Jesus, alive
With Your loving, beating heart.
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.