Glass House

12 February 2020 – The Glass House
There’s a glass house on the hill – resplendent in light.
The fields are luxurious green, fresh and grassy.
Lights are twinkling, dazzling the eye;
Reflecting colourful shards of pink and red and blue and soft-sun gold.
They peak and fall away.
I hear bells ringing – sweetly, gracefully.
Is this a church, calling us from the mountain top?!
The sky is a rich blue, with pink-white candyfloss puffs here and there.
Singing voices catch the breeze –
Uplifting, resonating, and ricocheting against the frame of glass.
I search the picture for more – more beauty; to find more detail, I look closely.
A flag is flying – up high on the mountain side –
It is red on white: a cross.
It dances in the above the clouds, billowing softly.
A horseman rides up to the beautiful structure and dismounts.
Who is this rider? He looks like Jesus – long-flowing brown curls, a knight’s cape
around his shoulders, a standard-bearer of glittering gold, firmly in his hand…
He surveys the landscape –
his majesty clear for all to see!
And he enters in; the horse rests at ease, untethered; free.
‘Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!’
‘He is here – the Prince of Glory; the Prince of Peace; the King of Kings!’
I want to climb the hill and enter the Palace of Light!
I struggle and fall. I struggle and fall. I struggle and fall.
But still I climb towards the light.
He sees me and angel wings descend.
They lift me and carry me to His arms.
I am bathed in extraordinary, energising colours of radiant light – His light!
Jesus says: ‘Come, my child – you are home.’