Gifts for the King- NOV. 2016

When you come to pay homage
Bringing your gifts to the King
Bow down, bend low, fall on your knees.
Come as a child, innocent and free.
Leave behind your ambitions and successes,
Your comfort and fame
For He is Jesus, Who requires only
Your simpleness, your truth, your trust.
No pomp, no ceremony โ€“
Only a humble, loving heart
And a will to serve His family โ€“
Your brothers and sisters.
For He, the baby in the manger,
Is Emmanuel, Counsellor, Healer and Saviour -
Loving you just as you are.
He can see your soul, for laser-like,
He cuts through every knot, every stubborn block
Every hidden secret.
All is exposed โ€“ nothing more; nothing less.
Just simple truth.
Come let us adore Him
For He loves us dearly.