The frost is thawing now

And signs of early spring make the sky, blue and grass, green.

We feel the warmth, the promising intense heat of summer,

The fullness of the sun’s light.

Are we expecting too much –

Have the flowers emerged too soon?

Should we be wary of a coming coldness?

A new period of frost and ice,

Covering a waiting world?

Oh, the Son makes us hope –

Hope in beauty and life…

Without Him, nothing can grow!

The mountain looms over us – so still and silent –

On a cloudy, heavy day…

Switching from blue to dismal grey.

How soon everything can turn around!

We hope for warmth, but feel the cold.

We pray for peace, yet hearts are troubled.

We depend on God, and know He’s there.

Spare us, Oh Mighty One, Oh Holy One, Oh Eternal One!

Written 3/2/22
