Praise You, God, for the breaking dawn, the morning light and cotton wool clouds
Praise You for the bird song, the humming bees and the eagles’ wings
Praise You for the beauty - of flowers and trees, evergreens and weeds
Praise You for new growth – for birth and life; for new-born babies and flowering buds
Praise You for the mighty thunder, for pounding rain and white, falling snow
Praise You for laughter and genuine cheer, for families and friends, good times and bad
Praise You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to save us and lead us home
Praise You for suffering, with Him, on the stony road, and the bloody Cross
Praise You, Lord, for green grass and bright-blue skies and seas
Praise You for the humble Saints, who followed the Righteous Path
Praise You for their labour, and honest search for Truth
Praise You for Mercy, Forgiveness, Hope and Love
Praise You for creating us, and promising us new life
Praise You, Holy Redeemer, for light in the darkness of despair
Praise You for Your Priests and Custodians of this world
Praise You for running streams and lakes and water falls
Praise You for being here, in flesh and blood and tears
Praise You for loving us, as we oppose and stray
Praise You, Oh Mighty One! for being Love in Love
Praise You for Your Words, written for all to read
Praise You for true Communion - freedom, liberty, and life
Praise You for the birds and beasts, nature most sublime
Praise You for the mysteries of life and death and life
Praise You for our pain, for then You really shout –
Praise You when our ears are closed, for You try to cancel doubt
Praise You, Eternal God, for being our truest friend
Praise You for holding on, inviting us back home
Praise You for wondrous light, guiding us every step
Praise You for calling us, every lost sheep by name
Praise You as You wait in love, patient and strong
Praise You, Father, Creator God, the Most High and Holy One
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You - Father, Spirit, Son. Amen.