She has been swept aside by the hand of fate, Cast aside in death, Cast aside in life. Now, momentous, adored, immortalised….. By man. Her pursuers, Key-holders of her existence - Driven by money, seekers of fame Themselves, now, Perpetrators of crime, and sentenced…… By man. But who is left to mourn? How deeply felt is the pain of her true loves? The kaleidoscope has turned. Her images scattered, Will be reassembled, their perspective changed. She was flung from her pedestal, Abandoned - a broken, rejected toy. How her death will pierce the hearts Of the offenders! Soft, silent tears will forever flow From those who cared, Drowning the minds of the guilty. Did you catch her? Shoot the action? Write the words, for the world to read? Insanity, madness - you're deaf and blind, Tell us now about your deadlines! Headlines, deadlines, read the news! Will you change your point of view? How do you feel, with this life lost? How many hearts will pay your costs? How many tears will silently fall? But can you see her candle burn, Sparkling through it all? JULIE HUGHES 1997