Cracked 2016

Cracked earth
Cracked world
Cracked heart
Cracked spirit
Heart bleeding; earth bleeding
Wounded by hate and greed; polluted; toxic
Wounded, blistered by pride and ambition
By a lust for power and control
By self-importance and vanity
With Self growing bigger. Creator ignored…at our peril
Cracked conscience; seeping danger; lost love
Heart and mind challenging spirit
Dense fog, obliterating light
Sun of Man ignored…at our peril
Splitting atoms, splitting wholeness
Science – courageous, profound, stupid
Truth misunderstood, laws broken, existence threatened
Arrogance is now king – a king we adore.
People are confused, overwhelmed
Souls thrown into confusion and chaos, fire falling into blackness
Consuming us, destroying us, wiping us out
Love, emerging from the depths, shaking off our depravity
Signalling life
Air being cleansed; water made pure
True nourishment being created, by the Creator
Darkness being subdued by fire
Burning, cleansing, healing, forgiving, detoxing, restoring
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Veni Domine Iesu
Renew the face of the world. AMEN