France – The Beauty and Spendour of Life

 The evening sun is now slowly disappearing, behind the mountain top.
 Pink streaks of a beautiful sky remind us of a prevailing heat.
 Today had been a real scorcher, with early-morning mist hovering over dewy grass.
 Steam had risen up from a warming earth, celebrating late spring;
 Whilst birds had tunefully tweeted, heralding in the day.
 Nature knows the truth: how everything works graciously for health and growth and peace,
 While we, its custodians, plough on with destruction and denial.
 We knowingly hurt life – people, animals, vegetation, water and air.
 Looking out of the window, all I can see is beauty – magnificent, indescribable, stunning –
 Sheep on the hillside, puffy white clouds adorning a perfect blue sky,
 Green shoots emerging from cultivated land, shadows on mountain ridges
 And insects, dancing in the rays of a bright resplendent sun!
 Crops are growing in nearby fields, their flowers swaying in the gentle breeze,
 And the orange roof tops below remind me that other souls are here –
 Sharing, laughing, praying, eating, working, sleeping, growing… 
 It is an amazing tapestry of life – almost Heavenly!
 Life is loved and the Creator’s hand touches every living thing, for He sustains all…
 For He is Life itself. He created it to share with us – believe it!
 And yet, we take life in staggering numbers –
 Killing unborn babies, 
 Murdering and abusing the innocent,
 Neglecting the marginalised and weak,
 Provoking war and creating weapons which utterly destroy,
 Judging unfairly, and imprisoning unjustly;
 Creating false gods, through poisons which kill - drugs, alcohol, sugar, science…
 And all for what!? Greed? Power? Vanity? Selfishness? Envy? Madness?
 The devil knows he can tempt us – and does…
 Cunningly enticing us to commit sin
 And encouraging us to turn away from The Only Saviour, Jesus:
 The King, the Lord of Life and the God of all that exists!
 Are you prepared to give up Truth and lose out on life, love, joy, peace, hope…?
 And eternity – for that is what Our Loving God promises?
 I’m not – so I seek the One who loves me; I seek Him with my whole heart…
 With my imperfection and sin, knowing that he truly loves me and blesses me.
 Thank You. Praise You.
 30 May 2021 (pandemic new Delta variant)